Disc problems don't have to stop you from doing Gyrotonic training

Having disc problems doesn’t mean you can’t do Gyrotonic training.

My spine is a mess. GYROTONIC® training has been great for it, not harmful.

X-ray of my neck from 2021I was in a pretty serious car accident back in 1985. I was driving to school on a 2 lane street. My car experienced a mechanical failure and the front end collapsed onto the ground. That created a pivot point and my car turned directly into oncoming traffic. I hit one car almost directly head on, bounced off it and hit another car. My car wound up on someone's lawn. The front end of the car on the driver's side was completely smashed inward. I have no memory of the accident at all. I was driving and the next thing I know I'm being pulled out of my car by the fire department.

My head hit the upright where the windshield meets the frame and was cut severely, requiring 23 stitches in my left forehead. Both arms were badly bruised, the left from the shoulder all the way to the elbow.

I don't have any pictures of the wrecked car anymore but I did see them and I know I am very fortunate to be alive.

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Gyrotonic Lost & Found: Old exercises become new again.

The old becomes new. The GYROTONIC® Lost & Found course

I really love taking continuing education courses

Mike Luque with several Gyrotonic Master Trainers in Boulder, CO
The Master Trainers I got to hang out with at the Lost & Found course

GYROTONIC® training has been around for more than 30 years. The system isn't static and stuffy and "classical". It continues to grow, evolve, change and expand. Some of the changes come right from the top, from Juliu. Many changes come from other trainers, usually Master Trainers.

In all those years of growth and development, some very cool exercises slid into the background. Some gems got lost. Master Trainer Lucrezia Caricola scooped them up, organized them with purpose and created the Gyrotonic Lost & Found course, which I recently took from her in Boulder, CO.

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Gyrotonic trainer and world class athlete Melanie Rinaldi

The interview series: Gyrotonic trainer & athlete Melanie Rinaldi

To train athletes you need to think like and athlete

An interview with GYROTONIC® trainer Melanie Rinaldi

When any fitness professional begins training a new client we need to find out their current condition, fitness history and their goals. For most of us our clients’ goals are fairly simple: I want to lose some weight; I want to improve my golf game; I want to get rid of this nagging back pain. But when you’re training Olympic level or professional athletes, the expectations from the client are higher and more specific.

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Tennis players can rehab from injuries using Gyrotonic training

Tennis player Trevor Taylor talks about GYROTONIC® training.

Competitive athlete Trevor Taylor shares how the Gyrotonic Method has helped him recover from shoulder and hip surgeries, prevent future injuries, and improve his tennis game.

Great  video from my friends at GYROTONIC® Coral Gables.


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