An interview with Madeline Black on how to open your hamstrings.

Opening up your hamstrings – An Interview with Madeline Black

Got tight hamstrings? Madeline Black’s advice might help.

Pilates & movement expert Madeline Black

When I was at the Pilates Method Alliance Conference, I had a chance to sit down with an old friend, Madeline Black. I don’t remember exactly when I met Madeline but I think I’ve known her for at least a decade.

Madeline is a leader in pilates education.

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GYROKINESIS is excellent for strength, core strength and flexibility.

Gyrokinesis classes – All the motion, none of the machines

GYROKINESIS® classes, your body, a chair and the ground.

You’ll use similar motions as GYROTONIC® training, but without the guidance of machines. Like yoga, you do your own work, find your own connections, discover yourself.

GYROKINESIS® methodology, the movements, came before the equipment work.

Juliu Horvath didn’t pop out of the ground with the equipment, he had the motions first.

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Alternate Nostril Breathing, the king of all breathing exercises

Alternate Nostril Breathing, the king of breathing exercises

Is alternate nostril breathing the greatest breathing exercise?

Alternate Nostril Breathing is the king of all breathing exercisesThe science has show that Nadi Sonham (Alternate Nostril Breathing) can lower blood pressure and pulse rate1, improves manual dexterity2 and has a balancing effect on the functional activity of the left and right hemispheres of the brain3. All that just from breathing!

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