Hip/Knee mobilization from Seated Leg Work

Gyrotonic Exercise of the Week: Hip/Knee mobilization

Hip/Knee mobilization from Seated Leg Work

This exercise works internal and external rotation of the hip joints. I've thought about this alot and while I am biased, I'm willing to say that no other exercise method specifically works with the rotations of the hip join anywhere near as thoroughly as GYROTONIC® training, especially internal rotation. In traditional fitness/strength/weight training it's pretty close to non-existent. External rotation will be specifically used in yoga, based on standing or sitting asanas but I don't know of any asanas that work the internal rotators. There may be a bit in pilates but I honestly can't say.

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Gyrotonic Exercise of the Week - Upper Body Series Cabbage Patch

Gyrotonic Exercise of the Week: Upper Body Series Cabbage Patch

Upper Body Series - Cabbage Patch with the lower straps

The is a variation on an exercise I developed in the Wingmaster material. The name "cabbage patch" comes from the dance move that I think became popular in the 80s. When I was teaching Wingmaster classes online, Cabbage Patch was included in the majority of workouts as it's one of my favorite Wingmaster exercises.

The root of this exercise is internal circumduction of the spine. Circumduction is one of the 6 spinal ranges of motion. In regular life, circumduction is one of the least used of the spinal ranges of motion. When comparing GYROTONIC® training to other exercise systems I'm always biased but I'm pretty sure I'm accurate in stating that no exercise system aside from Gyrotonic training regularly uses circumduction.

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Gyrotonic exercise - Reverse dolphin

Exercise of the Week: Reverse Dolphin from the Hamstring Series

Reverse Dolphin from the Hamstring Series

Isolation exercises, doing a single joint motion in a single range of motion isn't the GYROTONIC® Training way of things. Every exercise is multiplanar, multiple muscle & joint groups and you always have to be aware of your entire organism. Total body, total breath, total mind. And yes, the breath is in the middle. The breath is binding agent between the body and the mind.

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Gyrotonic Exercise of the Week - Single Spiral from the Handle Series

Gyrotonic exercise of the week – Single Spiral

Single Spiral from the Handle Series

Single Spiral from the Handle Series is a fundamental exercise in the system. I'm sure the overwhelming majority of sessions I've taught, I've used Single Spiral.

Spirals are one of the 7 Primal Movements, which are movements we develop naturally as babies. It's the second primal movement. Once you can get yourself sitting on your baby butt, you start turning around.

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