Independent Workouts

Get more out of GYROTONIC® training by working out on your own.

Deepen your Gyrotonic practice with Independent WrokoutsYou know the old saying, "The more you put into it, the more you get out of it." Of course that's very true of any physical fitness program. And with the depth and complexity of Gyrotonic training, getting on the equipment and working things out on your own will increase your understanding of the exercises and improve your strength, flexibility, coordination and breathing.

Doing Independent sessions takes your Gyrotonic training from workouts to a practice. They help you internalize the work.

Working towards Independent Workouts

Gyrotonic training is a vast system with nearly endless possibility. That can make the idea of working out on your own seem overwhelming or lead to confusion. But there is a process to smoothly prepare you to be on your own.

A five session minimum

The first step is one that comes from how I started training way back in 1998. At the studio where I started, San Francisco GYROTONIC®, independent workouts were not only highly recommended, it was a goal for everyone at any level. A client would need a minimum of 5 sessions with a trainer before you were guided through the steps to be able to do solo workouts. It was a good plan then and it's a good plan now.

Those 5 sessions will give you enough experience on the equipment to have a solid feel for the work and you'll learn enough exercises to have a complete and fulfilling workout.

Setting you up to go on your own

After your fifth session, whether privates or duets, we'll use your next two sessions to set you up for independent workouts.

In the first transitional session I'll still be training you but I'll also be writing down the exercises you're doing in the order you're doing them. As we do so, we'll make sure you're completely clear with the all the names of the exercises. I'll also be showing how the equipment is set up for you: how to set up the handle sizes, how much weight you're using for each family of exercises, how to set up the bench, etc. All the information about the weights and handle setup will be written down with the exercises. After your workout I'll type it up and we can either print the workout and keep it at the studio or we can use Google Drive and you'll use your phone or tablet when doing your own workouts.

In the second transitional session, you'll be using the notes I made to workout on your own. But I'll be right there and focused on you. This is Question & Answer time. Whether you're using a printout of your workout or Google Drive, take notes! Makes sure everything is completely clear. In these sessions it's better to get it in your head than in your body so you may not get as good a workout as normal. But the key is comprehension so you can crush your own workouts.

On your own, but never alone

When you come into the studio for your independent workouts, I will always be there. I won't be guiding you at all, though. Maybe I'll be reading a book, or playing chess on my phone or going over my own Gyrotonic notes. But I will be there and if you get stuck, you absolutely can ask questions.

If during your Independent Workout you think of questions about progressing an exercise or a family of exercises, or if you are curious about how to increase focus on a particular body part or a movement, write that down question and bring it up in your next private or duet session. Every new private or duet session is an opportunity to expand your library of exercises, so be sure to take notes of new material we cover.

Independent Workouts


Keep it simple, right?

Hey Mike, I don't train with you but would like to work out on my own.

Do you currently take Gyrotonic sessions with another trainer here on Maui or wherever you call home? You're still welcome to come and do Independent Workouts.


Book your Independent Workout now!

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