Pendulum, from the seated legwork series

Exercise of the week: Pendulum from the Seated Leg Work series

Focus on the rotator muscles of your hip joints with Pendulum

GYROTONIC® training is unique in many ways. One of the most unique, and IMHO best, differences about Gyrotonic training is the focus on all the ranges of motion of almost all the joints of the body. The muscles of the hips joints are strengthened in some way in every exercise system, but a focus on the rotational movement of the hips joints, with resistance, is truly unique.

While the movement is small, it's effective. You're isolating the muscles of rotation. In the video, I'm strengthening the internal rotators of the right hip joint and the external rotators of the left hip joint. Then I'd switch sides of the bench and do the completing pair of exercises.

Working the big muscles is easy and we do that in Gyrotonic training. Putting focus into the smaller muscles helps performance in sports and every day activities. We like to be complete.

Come strengthen all your ranges of motion.
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Hip/Knee mobilization from Seated Leg Work

Gyrotonic Exercise of the Week: Hip/Knee mobilization

Hip/Knee mobilization from Seated Leg Work

This exercise works internal and external rotation of the hip joints. I've thought about this alot and while I am biased, I'm willing to say that no other exercise method specifically works with the rotations of the hip join anywhere near as thoroughly as GYROTONIC® training, especially internal rotation. In traditional fitness/strength/weight training it's pretty close to non-existent. External rotation will be specifically used in yoga, based on standing or sitting asanas but I don't know of any asanas that work the internal rotators. There may be a bit in pilates but I honestly can't say.

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