Mess The Hair from the Upper Body Series

Mess the Hair from the Upper Body Series

This is a fun "level 2" exercise. Level 2 workouts aren't only about more difficult exercises but also how you put them together into long sequences and really uniting the timing and the breathing. I'm not even sure if "mess the hair" is what it's called. But that's one of the cues for the movement, "mess the hair/fix the hair".

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Exercise of the Week: Wingmaster Setting 2, Reverse Tai Chi Standing

Wingmaster Setting 2 - Reverse Tai Chi Standing

I named this group of exercises "tai chi" because if you take the Wingmaster away and visualize the movement it kind of looks like a movement you'd see in actual tai chi. It's not an actual tai chi movement, but bicycles or dolphin from the Hamstring Series aren't actually how to ride a bicycle or how a dolphin moves either. It's metaphors, man.

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