Exercise of the Week: Wingmaster Setting 2, Reverse Tai Chi Standing

Wingmaster Setting 2 - Reverse Tai Chi Standing

I named this group of exercises "tai chi" because if you take the Wingmaster away and visualize the movement it kind of looks like a movement you'd see in actual tai chi. It's not an actual tai chi movement, but bicycles or dolphin from the Hamstring Series aren't actually how to ride a bicycle or how a dolphin moves either. It's metaphors, man.

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Wingmaster S$ Simple Twist & Pull

Gyrotonic Exercise of the Week: Wingmaster Setting 4 Simple Twist & Pull

Wingmaster Setting 4 - Simple Twist and Pull

In the Wingmaster material, Settings 1 and 4 have the exact same set of exercises. They're mirrors of each other, with the resistance coming from opposite directions. When I came up with the idea for Setting 4, it was to strengthen the core by making the muscles work in the opposite way they do in Setting 1.

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