Single Spiral from the Handle Series
Single Spiral from the Handle Series is a fundamental exercise in the system. I'm sure the overwhelming majority of sessions I've taught, I've used Single Spiral.
Spirals are one of the 7 Primal Movements, which are movements we develop naturally as babies. It's the second primal movement. Once you can get yourself sitting on your baby butt, you start turning around.
Spirals are also one of the 6 spinal ranges of motion. Of those 6, spirals are the movement we do the most. Dozens of times a day, throughout many Activities of Daily Living (ADL) we spiral. Technically, walking is a spiraling movement. And in GYROTONIC® training, there are more spiraling exercises than any other spinal range of motion. And why not? Gyrotonic training is functional. It fits with our lives.
Come experience this exercise for yourself
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GYROTONIC is a registered trademark of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and is used with their permission.