The Yogi Complete Breath as taught by Yogi Ramacharaka

Deep Breathing Exercises – the Yogi Complete Breath

Advancing your Deep Breathing Exercises

202008 lungNow that you’ve strengthened your diaphragmatic breathing, it’s time for the Yoga Complete Breath. (You have been practicing diaphragmatic breathing, right???) The belly breathing exercise is the beginning. Now we’ll add in the rest of the lung capacity.

If your lungs have been compromised through injury or illness, please consult your physician before beginning any focused breath work.

The three parts of a complete breath

There are three parts of a Yoga Complete Breath. Unless you specifically develop all three aspects in the correct order, you are most likely over-emphasizing one of the aspects to the detriment of optimal breathing mechanics.

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The Wall Stand Exercise for improved posture.

The Wall Stand Exercise is a simple and effective stretch.

Upper Crossed SyndromeWith the majority of people having desk jobs sitting in front of a computer, common avoidable postural distortions like Forward Head Posture  and Upper Crossed Syndrome have become almost the norm. If you're able to keep your focus on proper posture from a young age and throughout your life

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Diaphragmatic breathing, the root of all healthy breathing

Diaphragmatic Breathing is the root of all proper breathing.

Diaphragmatic breathing is the root of all healthy breathing.

Without it, all your activities, the whole of your life, is built upon a shallow and weak foundation. That sounds like a pretty bold statement and it is... and it’s also true. Diaphragmatic breathing is the engine of your inhale and a strong inhale is going to properly feed your body.

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The six spinal ranges of motion. Use ’em or lose ’em!

Your spine is the root & center of your body. Are you really using it?

Spinal column curvature esOne of the things you'll hear every GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® instructor speak about is that GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® training moves all your joints through all their ranges of motion. This is especially important for the spine. In our modern world of long commutes and sitting at computers

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